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Amy's Healthy Eating Class Series 

Amy offers a four-part series providing the basic principles of the Eating for Health holistic approach to nutrition and wellbeing. Participants will learn about balancing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and micronutrients to create a delicious, healthy, and sustainable diet. You will also discover how booster foods can enhance your meals and support your wellness goals.

Amy is trained to deliver the Bauman Wellness Program, a series of four classes (one hour per week for four weeks) to share the Eating for Health approach iand to work with participants to set personal goals for improved health and wellbeing. Participants receive a workbook containing information, recipes, and tools. 



Invite Amy to visit your clinic, business, or school to introduce the concepts and principles of holistic nutrition through Eating for Health.


Amy is also available to provide a presentation on healthy eating for conferences, health fairs, and special events.


Contact Amy to discuss fees.

Transform your life today!

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